>I was under the impression that a ferret could be a carrier of the disease
>and never develop symptoms of the disease.  In fact I thought I read on
>White Russian's web site that most will never develop symptoms and not
>to panic.  Is this something new or have I misunderstood?
your vet is right!!!  adv can be carried on your clothes...it can be
transmitted just like E.C.E.
so your vet is right...have your girls tested and then you go from
there... if the have it then you can deal with it...there are lots of
sites on this....yes they can be carriers and not actual come down with
it...and then they can actualy come down with it...
[Moderator's note: A couple of links were included here but since they
were "dynamic" links keyed to the machine and time they weren't valid
anymore, so I deleted them.  Trudie was suggesting searching about.com
and search.aol.com.  BIG]
personaly i think you have a good vet...at least he told you about it and
he knows about it...most dont know and dont say anything..
[Posted in FML issue 3577]