My favorite ferret is Chipper ... My sable baby girl and first.  Chip
taught me responsibility and activism, as pets are not disposable toys,
but a member of our families.  My ex-SO's co-worker wanted to give her up
at 7mo, so I went to "see her" and brought her home.= Within a month of
hiding from us and nipping really hard, we noticed a swollen vulva.  The
pet store reimbursed me for her spaying, and her attitude changed
dramatically.  Now as a blind 7+ yo, 'Boo-Boo' (obvious nickname) still
manages to steal insoles, squeak toys, leather, rubber, and my heart.
My favorite ferret is Gina ... My silver-mitt pretty girl.  When we picked
her up from her former owner at 1.5 yo, she kissed my boyfriend and he
said she's going home with us!  I love Gina because *she* loved everyone
and things ferrets, cats, dogs, people, watermelon, popcorn, etc.  She
would wear me out playing chase, slide-ferret-plastic-bag game, and
vet visits with her adrenal gland tumor, lymphosarcoma, and insulinoma
illnesses.  Gina and I shared over-easy fried eggs every Saturday morning.
I got tired of her climbing me for my plate, and started making her a
plate.  Took me a few months to start eating eggs again after Gin-Gin was
helped along her journey during the month of her 6 year birthday.
My favorite ferret is Boomer ... My DEW sponsor boy.  He's my favorite
because of his expressional face.  He loved Ferretone and exploring, dooking
all the way.  I picked him up at our local public county shelter -- he was
90% bald (adrenal gland tumor).  Boom-Boom was handsome and deserved a
better chance in life.
My favorite ferret is Solstice ... My sable emergency rescue.  She was
only 5 weeks old when the owner called me for help one night (the night
of the winter solstice).  I only had her for 10 minutes before she died
in the palm of my hand.  She was a beautiful kit and deserved a better
start in life.
My favorite ferret is each and everyone at a shelter or foster home.
They deserve a new loving family or at least to be sponsored, as shelters
cannot do it all.  Please volunteer, donate, participate in some way, and
help out financially when you can.
Shari Gunter
ps - Ferret Temporary Tattoos arriving this week, benefiting Ferret
Guardian Rescue Haven of NC!  Sale and website info will be posted on
the list asap.
[Posted in FML issue 3577]