I was wondering if some of the people here that are very harsh and
critical of people giving up their ferrets because they are having a baby,
if they have ever 1) been a woman and 2) had a baby while 3) taking care
of ferrets?  You know every time someone posts that they want to find
their ferrets a good home cuz they are having a baby ... I cringe, cuz I
know the mail that will ensue ... and know that the mail they get
personally will be 10x worse than what we ever see here posted on the FML.
I thank God these people are on the FML ... so when they give up their
babies ... there is a far greater chance they will find not a good, but a
great home for them.  I'm glad that despite the impending onslaught of
critical posts, they still post to find a good home for their ferrets.  I
personally have never given up a ferret, dog, cat, horse, etc., cuz of
having a baby.  I have gone through pregnancy and raising children as well
as tend to the responsibilities I had with animals.
But I did give up some small animals right before my breakdown and
hospitalization years ago.  I recognized that for whatever reasons the
animals were or would be in jeopardy at the time.  My plants were all
dying, and the animals although they didn't' look bad ... I knew if the
plants were dying, the animals could be next even if it didn't seem like
much was wrong at the time.  Ya know?  Now having a baby isn't like
getting sick.  But in a way it can be dually stressful.  Some recognize by
the middle or end of your pregnancy if you are overwhelmed and can do it
or not.  Some people have babies like its nothing.  I see them go to the
grocery store, baby in carrier, other tiny ones by their side like it was
nothing.  But others, just one new baby is absolutely life altering ...
and they have no time for themselves much else taking care of animals.  I
see them panting in the elevator holding their baby, bent over ... looking
at me in bewilderment of how I could have had two!
I"m not saying its right to give them up (ferrets or pets).  I'm just
saying you know ... gosh what am I saying?  I guess I'm saying I remember
how darn hard it was when I had my first baby.  How I was just a total
spaz and had no time for anything at all.  I saw there were mothers that
were even way more overwhelmed than me.  I saw it a lot.  And I know there
is no way they would be able to care for anything else in their lives ya
know?  So in those cases ,,, I kinda understand and I'm glad they seem to
care so much about their ferrets and where they are going.
I kinda wish others would focus on helping more than criticizing you know?
I mean you can't change that they are pregnant.  You can't change their
mindset and what they will do most of the time.  There may be other
reasons for giving up their ferrets that are equally important to them.
Perhaps they recognize they aren't the most vigilant of people ... and
would not be able to adequately watch both baby's and ferret's safety
together.  Perhaps they are scared to death of baby getting bad allergies
for whatever reasons.  Perhaps there are time schedules to consider.  Who
And I'm rambling..... just thoughtful today.  I do not wish to open a can
or worms, or to start some old FML debate.  You know me... I'm Wolfy, and
not into that.  I was just thoughtful ... and was hoping in reading
this... some others would also be thoughtful. :)
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3576]