I usually Use Yesterdays News, But when I wasnt able to get to the Pet
Store that sold it, I would buy a Bag of Feline Pine Locally.  Persoanlly,
I HATE it.  It has a very Stong Wood Type Odor to it and when it gets
dirty, it definately doesn't absorb the smell of that either.  Whenever I
use it my ferret room stinks.  Not to bad mouth the product or anything,
but I have used better.  This week I just bought my first bag of Stove
Chow!  Right off the bat it didnt have a "Wood" smell like Feline Pine.
I'll let you know how I like it!
Princess, Mystic, Crystal and Galooch
Missing Woobie more than words can say..
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[Posted in FML issue 3576]