Well, I started my antibiotics this week for that thingie called Pasturella
Canus...wow, what a name! I'm still "snarky" as mommie puts it, but doing
much better. i'll have to go back to the doc's in a week or so to check on
my progress. and all this started with a bacteria called Actinomyosis!
Mommie still says i'm her hero.
We took in 3 new kids this week. The little guy from last week, Dylan (yup,
mommie's still on the painkillers) is sick and has to go to the vet. his
breathing is yucky.
This week, Zylo was adopted to a nice home and so was Bandit and his
sister!  Mommie was happy about that, but she always cries when it's time
to say good bye.
Speaking of mommie, she wanted me to tell you all a "super thanks" for all
the cards and well wishing e-mails.  she's doing better but has a
fractured wrist which she is grumbling about.
Love, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
Work like you don't need the money... Love
like you've never been hurt...And dance like no one's watching!
[Posted in FML issue 3556]