Please write to Georgia, Ela or me if you have questions about Support Our
Shelters.  Asking the shelters about us makes sense, but talking about us
without talking TO us does not.
I wish I didn't feel like I need to write about S.O.S. two days in a row,
but I do.  Lisette has let Georgia know that she is thoroughly offended by
Georgia's post last night.  She believes that Georgia's calling the amount
of money S.O.S. has "peanuts" and a "poor little pot" means that Georgia
thinks that a $50 donation is peanuts.  (I don't know where the amount
came from; it wasn't in the post.) I think Georgia will be writing to
clarify her meaning, but I honestly can't see how saying we don't have
much money means we scorn a $50 donation.
Heck, we don't scorn a $2 donation like the ones we receive from Kouri's
fan club.  Every donation is gratefully received.  If there is bad
feeling about money here, it is that we never have enough to help half
the shelters we would like to help.  We can't even pay for one surgery
without doing some fundraising.  What we have we give away.  I think it's
obvious Georgia is simply saying we don't receive enough money to make all
the work we do a worthwhile way to scam people.  Crime is supposed to pay,
after all.  Since we do give money to the shelters (someone would surely
have noticed by now if we didn't, don't you think?) there isn't enough
left over to go to Monte Carlo.
We raised a lot of money one time for the NJ Xmas Rescue, but it all went
to pay off some very large vet bills.  Taking in a lot of money didn't
mean we HAD a lot of money for longer than a couple of weeks.
Lisette also said that two of the people who wanted information about
S.O.S. were so offended by the post that they won't be donating to the
cause of the Utah ferrets or ever donate to S.O.S.  I can see not giving
to an organization that a person doesn't like.... but not giving to the
ferrets at all some other way just because that organization will also be
giving to them???  No comment.
As for Georgia not keeping an eye on the checking account, she's just a
trusting kind of person, I guess.  I keep the account, and she and Ela
can access it any time they want.  They just trust me.  I tell them what
we get, and what we send out, and how much we have left, and they believe
me.  I'd be more than happy to give BIG our bank and PIN number if it
would make people feel better.
I think the reason all this hits our feelings a bit hard is not only that
we don't want people to think we would misuse their donations.  It's also
that we do a lot of work that brings in no money, and we thought that said
a lot about our intentions.
Again, please talk to us directly if you have questions.
Judith <[log in to unmask]>
Georgia <[log in to unmask]>
Ela <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 3545]