Minta, there was an excellent article in one of the ferret magazines which
I believe was written by Alicia Drakotes (?spelling) of Ferret Wise talking
about just this sort of dilemma.  Maybe someone can get you a copy - I
don't know where mine is.
Essentially, what the article said was that people who are giving up their
ferrets because they don't get enough attention anymore should rethink
their decision, that the ferrets are better off staying in their original
Everybody goes through changes in their lifestyles & circumstances and
sometimes you just do the best you can do given the circumstances.
Especially considering the perfect ferret home is a hard thing to find &
there's no guarantee even if you did give them away that the person would
take care of them and love them as you do.  Not to mention you are their
mommy and they would miss you!
I think you are making the right decision to keep them & lucky you to have
a husband who is trying to take up the slack.  Your daughter is fortunate
to have such parents.
[Posted in FML issue 3529]