Hi Everyone!  :-D
Hope you all doing ok, fuzzies and humans.
I m just so curious about how vocal most fuzzies usually are!  I ve
checked on the archives and did see some posts about different noises,
but most places I read (including books) make it seem like ferrets mostly
dook / chuckle / chatter (while playing or fighting), hiss, squeak and so
on and all that only occasionally.  Is there any particular post or a
place I read up on all different noises a fuzzy can make?!!!!!  :-o
I d love to know all the right terms/names for each noise too! (what
they mean we can usually guess right) since so many people describe
sounds differently
Does anyone know what makes a fuzzy more vocal than another?  (dumb
question, I know)  Is it only a personality thing or something related to
the ferret s past experiences (when real young).  From the posts I read
here it doesn t seem to have anything to do with them being this or that
color or about their gender (??!!) It did say something about teenager
ferrets being more vocal does it mean as they grow older they become more
queit?!  (hope not!!!)
I m very interested in this since I think Logan is VERY vocal!!!
(especially in comparison to Leeloo, who only dooks when she s
playing/dancing or chatters when Logan s pinning her down) I supposed
hissing is what Logan s doing most (does not sound like a cat nor a
squeak and I ve heard squeak from Leeloo once, that s not it), it s
usually very loud and to me (and to otherw who ve heard it) it sounds
like a bird, like a HAWK or something (anyone knows what I mean?!!!!).
If that s the right word then Logan s mainly a huge hisser !  Hissing at
anything and anyone that does something he doesn t agree with, hissing
when he wants something and is impatient, hissing when he sees something
weird he even gives half-hisses , cutting as if mid- sentence (like one
time I was waving some piece of clothing next to him that he and Leeloo
love dancing away from or jumping towards to attack and the thing startled
him and as he turned around to see what it was he started his usual loud
hisses but when he saw it was only me he stopped, really cut in half it
was actually very funny).
So Hisses when he s angry, scared, annoyed, even when he s playing!  (even
though he dooks sometimes too).
What I find interesting though is not that he s doing that the whole time
(since I m always talking to them Leeloo ends up being the different one
in the family, she s so quiet!  and she s not deaf), but because he also
(besides from hissing + dooking):
-always makes some whimpering noises when he s up leaning his cute head on
my shoulder and I m petting him (it actually sounds like some very soft
MUMBLING it s really cute, like he s saying stuff yes, go ahead and laugh!
It s just tiny little grunts and moanings mixed, not at all like a doggie
or any other creatures I ve dealt with before!)
-he gives little grunts when eating
- and right when he gets a big chunk of food he starts some loud whistling
(like those humans do with air between their front teeth!) and I take that
s a sign he s sayin it s mine get away!  because every time he makes this
loud whistles he takes off with the piece of food in his mouth to hide or
eat somewhere!
-ok, he coughs and sneezes too (which sometimes scare the crap out of me
so LOUD!!!)
-he makes noises when he dreams too (in his sleep), even little snores!
The ferret-dreaming is SO CUTE!  (Seen it a couple of times even with
Leeloo) Front paws digging at invisible dirt, noses moving, moaning and
so on
Logan s also the one who FREAKS OUT with certain squeaky noises (he loves
to hide and is incredibly protective of his favorite squeaky toy, and
whenever he s frustrated after a long play in which Leeloo tormented him
too much he rushes to the toy and bites it a whole bunch of times shaking
his head stress relief??!!!).
My boyfriend once was whistling and Logan attacked him, bit real hard!
If he sees something that s making an annoying noise Logan either attacks
the object (or person, in my boyfriend s case) but if he doesn t recognize
the object to be what s making the noise then he goes for the person who s
holding the thing (Logan s real cuddly and nowadays only nips when
something weird or really annoying happens to him).
Could there be any connection with Logan being so talkative and him being
the one who s more affected by noised too?!!!  (only noise Logan and
Leeloo react to the same way is to plastic bags )
Anyway, I d also love to hear from other fuzzies who maybe did the these
sorts of noises or any other weird noises, anyone?! :-)  WHAT would these
noises that Logan makes be called anyway?!  Any info would be greatly
appreciated!  (you can mail me here or directly) :-D Sorry this is huge
again, but I ve been so curious about them cute noises for so long!!!
Big hug to you all,
Chris, Leeloo & Logan
[Posted in FML issue 3545]