Greetings all,
A great big Thank You for all of the emails and web cards.  I responded to
each of you personally but wanted to thank you all publicly.  It meant so
much to me to know I was not alone and to hear your stories and words of
I adopted Winnie & Wylie from the Kansas City Ferret "Hot Line" Shelter
that at the time was run by Bobbie.  I don't know if you are still reading
or part of the FML but I wanted to say thank you Bobbie for what you do
and for what you have given me.  Thank you to those who so selflessly and
tirelessly care for and take in these little babies and give them the love
that someone else could not.  I was fortunate enough to have the love
returned X2.
Thank you all again.  You have proven to me that all the silly bickering
aside, you are truly a group of loving, caring people with one thing in
common and that is the reason I keep coming back.
Good health to you and yours....
Peter & Wylie (missing Winnie terribly).
[Posted in FML issue 3544]