I wrote to the Northeast ferret list about this, but I'll write the same
basic stuff here.  I've missed part of the discussion, but if anyone
having flea problems lives in this part of the country, you probably have
the same fleas as me: they seem to prefer ferrets and people.  I've
treated my animals over and over, even had the vet do my cats so they were
done properly, but he said there's no sign of fleas on either of my cats.
However, my ferrets are covered, one is losing fur he's had fleas so
badly.  And the Advantage and Frontline just don't seem to be cutting it,
at least not on their own.  Orkin Pest Control told me fleas can feed off
of dead fleas, so you need to vacuum EVERY day, make sure there's a flea
collar in your vacuum bag or lock up the vacuum bag in plastic and throw
it way way out of your house.  Vacuuming also picks up the eggs, but
nothing really kills the pupae stage of the flea, so you may see more
fleas in a couple weeks when they emerge from the pupae stage (which even
Advantage and sprays can't penetrate).  So you really have to treat
bedding, carpets, furniture, etc.  every couple weeks.  The fleas will
still bite your pet--the Advantage and Frontline work AFTER the flea has
bitten.  And like I said, I have found plenty on me and my daughter, but
none on my cat.  so here in the Northeast at least, we have a more
difficult flea!
[Posted in FML issue 3544]