>Has anyone thought about sending Ferrets in to look for survivors?  We
>hear about air spaces that we can't get to yet and tapping sounds, why not
>strap tiny cameras, microphones, speakers, transponders - whatever to some
>Ferrets, and let them explore their way down the wreckage?  We all know
>they are magicians at getting into tiny impossible places....
To Dede -
Yes, ferrets are used in some European countries for hunting, and can
easily go down rabbit holes, and also for helping to run cable through
piping at constructions sites, etc., but the rescue dogs and also many
rescue workers at the WTC site, are being cut by sharp edges of the steel
and other metal debris there.  I'm afraid our little furries could
definitely get into some tight spaces within all that rubble, but I'd fear
for their safety as well.  I would think, that unless the ferret is well
trained in some way, they just wouldn't come back to the surface when you
wanted them to.
[Moderator's note: Yesterday I made a few humourous (well, maybe) remarks
after Dede's post.  Apparently some interpreted my remarks to mean that I
thought Dede's post was a joke.  Sorry if I gave that impression -- her
post was definitely not an attempt at humour.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3543]