>From:    Lisa Weisensale <[log in to unmask]>
>********Correction: Just having your pets treated doesn't mean that your
>problem is gone.  If you have had your pet treated, the fleas will live
>off of human blood as long as they can.  Although, FLEAS DO NEED A PET
>BLOOD MEAL TO SURVIVE!!!  But that doesn't mean they can't snack off of
>you in the mean time.  Anyone who has had a flea problem knows that
>having and getting rid of fleas is no easy task, it is often lenghtly and
>somewhat expensive.  If you maintain flea control before a problem occurs
>the results will be much more productive than waiting till the fleas have
>already entered the home!
Hello, Lisa.  I hear what you are saying and I agree that preventing fleas
before they get into your house is the most effective way.  I've kept
ferrets in the Florida panhandle for nearly 10 years, and the cat flea is
endemic here, so I've had the darn things in my house a few times.  Before
Advantage came along, the foggers with the stuff that interfers with the
flea larva from maturing into and adult were the best thing available.
Sometimes it took a couple of treatments to get them.  I have had fleas
jump on my, but our fleas don't seem to like people.  THey hop on and hop
back off without biting.  They certainly prefer furry animals like our
ferrets and once they jump on an Advantage treated ferret, they are dead
in hours.
Anyway, if you want to use a lot of sprays and such around your house, I
have no objection, but for me, I'll just apply advantage.
Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde
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URA Redneck if you have your own private booth at Dairy Queen.
[Posted in FML issue 3543]