Yup, it's me again!  Having a good week but it's been so busy!  mommie was
sick again but she's feeling much better now.  i have an appointment to go
to the University of Guelph on September 10th.  keep your fingers crossed
for me.
mommie was on naked news with auntie Sandrine at the frolic (no, mommie
wasn't naked!) the interview and video turned out great! i couldn't go
because i was sick, but mommie said i could go next year.
Woozelette went in for surgery to remove her spleen this week.  she's doing
well now.  she had a tumor in her spleen the size of a golf ball!  i just
hope she can move back in with me soon, i miss her.
mommie got a few phone calls about a lady who was breeding ferrets and
giving them away for free without shots or being fixed.  that worries
mommie so much.
Auntie Olympia picked up Phoenix's ashes today for mommie.  At least he'll
always be with us and hopefully know how much he was loved.
Harley "Bug"
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
Work like you don't need the money... Love
like you've never been hurt...And dance like no one's watching!
[Posted in FML issue 3528]