I am asking for any information you may have concerning the following:
Last month, I went into a pet store (one that sells animals) to see for
myself after I had heard that this pet store was keeping ferrets in
fishtanks.  I was totally appauled when I came across the section where
the ferrets were being kept.  There, in 10 gallon fishtanks, they had baby
ferrets which I was told were 6 to 8 weeks old.  I asked why they were
keeping them in fishtanks and I was told for the safety of the animals.  I
suggested that they keep them in a large cage (and possibly put fiberglass
around the cage in order for customers not to stick their fingers in the
cage and was told that they sell them so quickly that they do not stay in
the fishtanks that long).
A few weeks later, I went back to this pet store and saw a few of the
babies that I had seen the last time I was there (who were of course
bigger now) and another ferret that I didn't remember seeing before (and
might have passed over this ferret the last time) who looked to be
practically full grown in 10 gallon fishtanks.
These ferrets are being housed in these fishtanks with litter in them
where they go to the bathroom and also where they eat.  They have no room
to exercise.
This, to me, is inhumane.  I was told as long as they are watered and fed,
and their cages are clean, that there really is nothing further that can
be done.
If these pet stores (and I am sure there are others out there that use the
same methods) are going to take the responsibility to house these ferrets,
then they should take the responsibility of housing them in proper living
Needless to say, it projects a bad picture to any propsective buyers of
these ferrets or any other ferrets.  People will think -- "well, if the
pet store I got this ferret from can keep them in fishtanks, so can I.
Why go out and spend the money for a cage when I have an old fishtank
downstaris in the basement."
For this particular pet store, after contacting some people, I was able to
get them to put up a sign stating that keeping ferrets in fishtanks is not
the method to house them and that they should be housed in a cage....
That's not good enough.  Ferrets should NOT be kept in 10 gallon fishtanks
or any other fishtank.  They are not fish.  Further, we do not put puppies
or kittens in fishtanks at pet stores, we should not be putting ferrets in
fishtanks at pet stores.
If you know of any pet stores that are keeping ferrets in fishtanks,
please email me personally with the name of the pet store and the address.
For starters, I am in the process of compiling a list of the pet stores
that are doing this and your input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you -- On behalf of all our ferrets in this world
We are their voices, we are their hope.
[Posted in FML issue 3542]