>From:    Judy Cooke <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Famous Ferrets Calendar for SOS and Utah Ferrets
>The 2002 Famous Ferrets of the FML Calendar is now available on auction...
>http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1638678443  or
>http://page.auctions.yahoo.com/auction/55202679         ...
>Proceeds from the sale of these calendars will go to SOS to help with
>the Utah Rescue.
to let you all know...i have received MY calendar already...and it is
great!!!!... very imaginative and very well done...lots of "famous"
ferrets in there... great quality paper...pics are wonderful...
PLEASE...go to these auction sites...it is a great cause...and a great
calendar!!!...you can not lose....:)
KITY=^..^=KAT and the Kollektive  http://www.geocities.com/ferretlover97
Rascal, Sassy, Wolfie, Monkey, Meeja, Pye, Noodles, Sandi, Hope-HollyHeart,
Eddie, Lucky, Cissy, Uh-Oh, Jack, Sassy-too, Angel, Lefty-LuvBug, and
"Sonny"!...Holding "Li'l Bear" in my Heart...
Missing pieces of my heart...Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, Narmy, OldGuy,
D'weezle,  and the biggest pieces of my heart...Charlie and Geezer!
My ferret Afghans! http://www.geocities.com/crochetkat/ferret
Vote for my site at http://www.ultimatetopsites.com/general/fuzziedad/
Where the best ferret pages are located.
[Posted in FML issue 3542]