>If anyone on this list plans to volunteer for service, or is in the
>national Guard being mobilized into NY or DC I have a room and willingness
>to look after any ferrets in need of 'sitting'.
I also have been thinking about this.  I have called numbers provided, but
they are always busy.  I live in the Buffalo/Niagara Falls area.  I have
four of my own, have room to care for others.  If you live close enough
and wish for me to care for your ferrets in your home, I would be willing.
All I ask is that you provide the food they are used to and some of their
fav toys.  Email me personally at [log in to unmask]  As a side note, I
am an RN and have experience in caring for sick ferrets.
Amy and the boys
God Bless America
[Posted in FML issue 3541]