GCFA out of Chicago, Ill.  has recieved several e-mails and phone calls
concerning the Utah ferrets.  I spoke with Norm this morning.  They do,
indeed, have a very small shelter , that is housing over 95 ferrets with a
waiting list of people in this area.  GCFA has promised that their ferrets
will get into the shelter as quickly as possible.
However, in the American spirit of unity, there are likely many kind
individual non-shelter people considering taking in a ferret in the
Chicago area.  They have decided that between donating money or bringing
in a ferret they will love and care for until death that they want to help
by bringing home two or three ferrets.
I urge you to e-mail the GCFA at www.GCFA.com to help the ferrets there.
Or volunteer a day a week, or every other week.
If only 50 people in the Chicago area bring home the bonded ferrets in
the GCFA shelter now-be they two or three-Norm will be able to take in a
number of the Utah ferrets.  He is-as Kim Schillinger wrote of so well in
her book "Ferrets for Dummies" an amazing person with ferrets-especially
biters.  And we may find a number of these in Utah.  Who knows with all
these poor babies have been through?
He is also able to give meds and get medical attention to these ferrets IF
GCFA can find homes for the doptable ferrets there now.  I have seen them.
They are sweet and friendly and goofy.
So one way you in Chicago area can help the Utah ferrets is to give the
GCFA shelter ferrets loving home.  These ferrets have had their shots and
exams.  As it has been explained to me, the Utah ferrets will need shots
and blood tests, and 60 or 70 will need surgeries.
We bond as a nation in this time of disaster and death.  Here is one
way-just one opportunity.  But it cannot be done out of the emotions of
these days.  It must be done with the commitment these intellegent and
sensitive beings deserve.
e-mail GCFA today if you would like to help in this way. www.GCFA.com
Now where is Joe from the Ferret Store so I can help with carriers?
[Posted in FML issue 3540]