Well, sorry to say it was extremely indepth when I submitted it.  I don't
recall how long it was at that time - I'm thinking over 7,000 words.
However, they limited the article to 3,500 words and cut out all the
"depth".  Can't win 'em all, but I hear there's a really great book out
there that covers just about everything you could possibly want to know
about ferrets ;-)
Kim Schilling
Director, Animals for Awareness
Author, Ferrets for Dummies
Date:    Wed, 12 Sep 2001 09:53:56 -0700
From:    Jeff Allen <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: ASCPCA Animal Watch
I don't know if anyone has brought this up or seen this, but the Fall
issue of "ASCPCA: Animal Watch - Dedicated to the protection of all
animals" has a cover story on Ferrets.  It's nott to indepthful, but it
does go into the pros and cons of owning a ferret.
[Posted in FML issue 3540]