I cannot do much in the face of the tragedies this country has recently
suffered.  But I am willing to do what I can.
I am owned by 4 beautiful Sprites who do recieve 2-4 hours playtime a day.
I have only 4 years experience, but a lot of love and know where to turn
if I run into problems I am inexperienced with.
I live in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area of Pennsylvania.  If anyone on
this list plans to volunteer for service, or is in the national Guard
being mobilized into NY or DC I have a room and willingness to look after
any ferrets in need of 'sitting'.  I'd only ask for their regular
preferred feed to be provided.  Please e-mail me personnally and I will
set up a meeting where you can grill me and/or examine my own girls and
their care.
Rhoni and company (Nala: Hey we're a business not a company!, Bronwyn: I
could do with a lot less company., Ling-Ling: Huh?  Is there food
involved?, Lwka: Play with me, play with me.)
[Posted in FML issue 3540]