Thank you all for the dozens of emails, but to answer one question right
away, NO, I am not back on the FML, this will just be to help those who
have been trying to get in touch with me.  I am still not over what I went
through before on this thing, but I am going to use it for what it should
be and that is to help ferrets and those good people out there who
honestly care about helping each other and the Ferrets.  Don't bother
bashing me, I don't have time to read this and what I did read today only
reinforced my conviction.
First of all thank you Lynn for trying to coordinate the RESCUE.  And yes,
it is a rescue.  This lady is not a 501 registered rescue.  How do I know,
becuase Layton and Davis animal control checked her out over a year ago.
She does not even has a business license.  She is a disturbed person who
is not out to help animals, but to justify her own sickness.  I reported
this lady over a year ago and grew tired of wasting my time on it.  Nobody
cared.  Now everyone does and it seems that the good people who are trying
to fix the problem are getting bashed by those who have no clue as to what
is going on.  I live here, I have seen this lady driving her truck down
the freeway with the sides painted with her motto, "THE ONLY FERRET RESCUE
IN UTAH" like what U.F.O. did for five years and the hundreds of ferrets
we placed was nothing.  Or Bridgett Boland and her years of dedicated
rescue work.  But anyway, this lady should be put in jail.  She is as
guilty of animal abuse as that jerk who threw the poodle into traffic.
Anyone who has rescued animals knows that you rescue animals to save them
from a horrible life and put them into a better one.  Placing them in a
small condo, in small cages, where they cannot get the much needed
attention, FERRETS NEED and DESERVE, is not doing them any good.  THen
when you selffishly deny good people the opportunity to give one of these
creatures a loving and caring home, because of your own greed, that in
Our country is in pain right now over what has happen in New York and
Washington D.C.  I am a former U.S. Marine who has served at the Pentagon
and worked as a counter-terrorism analyst.  I now work at Salt Lake
International Airport.  I understand the torment and suffering our nation
is going through.  I was in Beruit in 1983,I am dealing with the daily
fustration innocent travelers are forced to endure because of the barbaric
acts of a sick and twisted mind.  So please lets look into our own hearts
and be honest with each other when we are talking about helping these
ferrets.  Does it really help to bash and pick on those who are honestly
trying to do something positive in such a negative time?
Let me know if I can help.
[Posted in FML issue 3539]