Since I don't post often, may I do two in one day :-)  I forget who it is
that has the flying ferret, is it Mini-Me?  At any rate, my Parris is very
closely related.  The room barrier is 48" vinyl lattice, fronted with 30"
of plexi, topped with PVC so as not to be sharp, and no toe hold.  Oh
sure!!  Parris climes her 36' cage, sets for the great leap, sails for the
barrier, crawls through the lattice above the plexi and comes to find me.
Before I saw her do this I thought I must have missed her zipping through
the door when I went through.  I pull the cage into the middle of the room
now.  One time she went over and I measured the distance.  31" of nothing
but air.  Did I mention her strange looking ears.  Look a lot like mini
airplane propellers.
In Touch, Ardith
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[Posted in FML issue 3528]