From the time I wrote this morning-everything has changed.
- There are people on this list who fear a relative may be dead.
- The price of gasoline is up 3 to 6 dollars a gallon.
- The price of goods carried in vehicles powered by gas is going to soar.
- People that were going to fly to get the Utah ferrets are not going to
  fly anywhere.
- People who were going to drive cannot afford to now.
The person, who kept over 200 ferrets in a condo as though this is an O.K.
thing to do to a neighbor, wants any rescuers to bring their own cages.
She wants to keep ALL of hers, I have been told.
She will not be helping out monetarily for any of us to save the ferrets
either, as I understand it.
It is believed that about 60 of the ferrets need surgery.
So before anyone goes leaping into gallantry any further-- I just want to
make it clear that no one has to do anything.
Will there be 200 more ferrets we will think we have to save in a few
years?  Why else the need to keep the cages?
Got an e-mail from the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary saying that many of
the ferrets have already been placed.  That is what she has heard from
Jen.  I am not to worry.
So maybe we should let this go.  We EACH have to chose our battles.  And
right now-after what happened today-with its consequences-Maybe this is a
battle to let go of.
Who has the money for the gas.  Who will get on the plane.  Who will fund
the thousands for surgeries for 60 or 70 ferrets in this economy with so
many lay offs and a recession and now-today?
***These are my thoughts, and my thoughts only.***
There is no way of knowing if an act of terrorism will strike again
tomorrow.  My thanks to BIG for this forum.  And my love goes out to
all of you-no matter your opinions, beliefs, or ideas on this subject.
The freedom to express our opinions-to express out loud and on-line without
fear of reprisal-Has never been more fully felt by me than today.
Our grand children will learn about today in their history books.  My
prayers to all who have lost family and friends this day.
[Posted in FML issue 3538]