Hi all I apologize for this being so long.
I posted yesterday saying that I was willing to fly out from NJ with a
partner and drive back as many ferrets as could be placed along the way and
in shelter back East.  I have since coerced Kim Rushing the former owner
and operator of Kista ferret Shelter to be my partner as her medical
knowledge and experience with ferrets would be invaluable to me.  Anyone
who knows Kim or myself knows that we CAN do large scale rescues.  I am
at a loss right now.  No one seems to know what exactly is going on or is
needed.  I have talked to many wonderful people who are going all out to
try and sort things out but still no answers.  I had expected to do the
rescue this week as the situation seemed dire.  I still don't know if they
are being euthanized on the 14th or not.  I don't know how much I should
plan for this in case it comes to nothing.
I have checked the airfares, and it is approx $2,500 to fly Kim and me out
to Utah.  An alternative is to go to Las Vegas which would only cost approx
$1,000 and rent a van there and then drive another 8 hours up to Utah.
These were the cheapest tickets I could find (feel free to look for cheaper
and let me know) not to mention gas etc..  I need to start begging, and
borrowing from my friends and relatives to get the rest of the money
together but I don't want to do that if we don't end up going.  We are
planning on bringing a tent and sleeping bags to camp out if we do go to
keep travel costs to a minimum.
We are prepared to go on a days notice (several hours notice if need be)
provided we can get all the logistics worked out with everyone involved.
We are offering basically door to door service (from the Utah shelter to
shelters along the way and back this way) I don't know what else we can
offer besides this, I had hoped that it would be enough but it seems like
it's not.
I don't know what to do, I know there are MANY many people working on =
this can't we please figure something out?
I want to be prepared but I'm afraid that this might drag on for weeks or
longer and I don't know how long I can make this offer past this week.  I
feel bad enough asking Kim to put her life on hold to come with me.  If
anyone has any suggestions on how I should handle this I welcome them.  If
anything bad happens to these ferrets, it's not going to be because the
ferret community didn't care.
Waiting hopefully,
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[Posted in FML issue 3537]