He was six and a half weeks old, had not name yet, was mostly weaned but
still snuck in a little nurse off ma when he could.  He was feisty, fun,
and always eager to play or chew on your ear.
Sadly, he was at the bottom of the baby pile, and was smothered by
accident.  We buried him out in the yard, with a little prayer.
Sandee, I have never had to write you.  In nearly five years of ferret
ownership and rescue, here at the end of my first year of small scale
breeding, I lost one of my treasured babies.  He's a little black sable
boy, with white knee patches.  I sometimes called him Patches, but he had
no real name yet, just that nickname.  he loves cheweasels, and sleep
sacks.  Could you tell him we are sorry he is gone, and that he is missed?
I have a dog there at the bridge named Annie, a big, beautiful Samoyed,
and her litter of seven stillborn puppies.  Annie loved ALL creatures, and
helped me raise a litter of rescue kittens whose mother rejected them.
I have never lost any ferrets before, and maybe she could look in on him
from time to time, but I wish he had a little ferret buddy there to snuggle
with.  He's too young to be all alone in the world, even the afterworld.
Can you see that he is cuddled a lot, given a Cheweasel, and find someone
to watch over him till I get there?  Tell him I love him, and grieve for
him, that he will miss out on so much in this world, but we will have
forever in the next.
my baby boy
Kim Wolf
Mystyx Samoyeds, Ferrets and Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 3527]