some of you probably remember when katie hid in the hole under the counter.
many people wrote me such nice responses- i just read this posting
>From:    Lisa Weisensale <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: bad ferret! I am going crazy! Need help AsAP
> ...
>Solution: Drilled wood pieces in so the void is closed.  Problem solved,
>or so I thought!  Today....she got under the the cabinet drawer in the
>kitchen...just another hole to patch!
>Question: Why the hell is she doing this?  Besides the fact she is pissing
>me off....she knows not to be under there and has been scoled many times!
>It makes me so very angry!  HELP HELP HELP!!
>Lisa & Erick
and i just want you to know that that's not me!  that's another lisa!  i
dont want to get any negative mesages based on someone else's intolerance.
mollie & katie
      *LisaMarie Blohm*
 ------Bitcon Productions------
[Posted in FML issue 3537]