>I am thinking about something like a play yard with tubes and whole yard.
We had one adopter who really made a backyard play area for his ferrets.
He lived in Central, NH, on a fairly good sized lot, with his own pond.  He
ran the white sewer pipe through his foundation wall, underground through
much of his property.  Every so often he had a gazebo type of arrangement,
with cage wire inside the openings where the ferrets could come up and
look/play.  He provided bedding there and hay bales for them to climb on.
There must have been four or five of these.  One on the "tunnels" led to
the pond where there was a large cage area for them to swim or play in the
water.  When they got tired or hungry, they could come back into the house
through their tunnels.  It was quite an arrangement.
Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 3528]