>Or am I just expecting too much from creatures whose lives seems to
>revolve around frantic play and naptime?
All of mine are basically like that.  After an hour or so, then they want
to be with me.  At different times, no pattern at all, someone or all will
want to play with me.  It just depends on their mood and on nothing.  When
they are tired and want to go to bed, two will put themselves to sleep,
another will sulk in the tubes with his head sticking out, and the baby
(not a baby anymore, but is compared to the rest) will be bugging me,
nosing me, trying to steal my clip, getting up my shirt.... being a little
brat.  I know when he won't cut it out, it's bedtime.  When they are unsure
or scared of something, they will run to me for consolation.  When we are
all outside, at times they will come to my leg and tap.  I pick up and hold
for a min or so, then it's back to sniffing and digging.  I have noticed
that as they are getting older they are getting more cuddlier.  They are
NOT like cats or even dogs.  If I'm laying on the floor, they will curl up
and sleep by me, but not with me.  I do know my boys well, and know thier
needs and behavior.  As they show all the time in different places, I'm
their Mommy and will come to me for help or cuddling.
[Posted in FML issue 3536]