Some of you might remember me from when I volunteered for Kista in NJ
before that shelter closed.
I don't know what the actual situation is in Utah right now, but I am
offering to fly out with a partner and then drive back as many ferrets as
can be placed within shelters back this way(provided shelters in the East
can take any in).
I haven't heard back from them yet, and I don't know if such action is
needed, wanted or even possible if there are legal problems with the
ferrets, but the offer is there if it comes down to it.  I have made the
trip from NJ to New Mexico on a shoestring budget, and driving with only
one other person at this time of year before, so I know what the trip is
like and I know I could do it if I had to.  I hate to think of any
ferrets suffering.
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[Posted in FML issue 3536]