I am truly sorry for so many posts, today, but this is my last, i have
had time to do a little research, call and talk to Troy Lynn and gather
information from her, to pass on to all who may be concerned for the
ferrets, that have been seized in DAVIS COUNTY, LAYTON, UTAH!!!
Special thanks to Mr. Gruber, and those who have already responded to
this plea for help for these ferrets.
I am going to compile a brief history of what i have been told by Troy
Lynn Eckert of Ferret Family Services, Kansas   She had been on the phone
2 hours with Jen Morrison, today.
She was contacted by phone that she had to b @ the shelter site, in a
certain time frame or they would break in the doors.  (warrant served)
Upon arrival the cages were outside, on asphalt, water and food SLOSHED
all over the place? (read what you want into this)  apparently it was
hot that day, as they hae already lost one of the ferrets
230 ferrets were confiscated they are being held in an adjacent building
site, on the Davis County Animal Control location (aka the pound) not
with all the other housed animals, but isolated in another area
Today the complex was closed, so she was not allowed access to care for the
ferrets, and was also told that the volunteers working for the Davis County
Animal Control would NOT CARE FOR HER FERRETS , also claiming that they
will not be held responsible for the ferrets, while they are impounded.
The volunteers who help her, (Jen Morrison) will not be able to help on
the weekdays as they work other positions.
Ms. Morrison does not live on the premises, apparently the house was given
her to run the rescue from apparently about a year ago, the zoning changed,
she was not informed, other than dogs and cats, they are limited to 6
animals, she has been able to keep 6 of the ferrets, she currently has 1
reptile, 1 dog, 1 cat ( i w/assume reptiles are exclused also, since that
would make 7 other than the dog and cat
she is a licensed 501 c3 by the state of Utah, you can find out information
about her Reptile Ferret Sanctuary @ the website i will post with this
The Animal control has confiscated not only her ferrets but all paper work,
including credit card statements?
some of the ferrets were being boarded, and these also will not be
released, one of the confiscated ferrets has died
I myself have spent most of my day in phone contact with Troy Lynn Eckert
of Ferret Family Services, and will be going out of town for a few days
as of Monday, 10 Sept.
I have been given permission BY Troy Lynn to give her phone number out,
and of course those who follow her posts know her email address, but i
will post that also.
I will not be able to reply to any emails till sometime Thursday evening,
and then it will be too late?
As for ferret shelters in Utah, i have tried to find them, and it doesn't
appear that there are very many...so... I am going to pass on to all of
you, what information i have been able to glean this afternoon, in my
search on the internet
Rick Roller (no longer available)
Utah Ferret Shelter & Rescue
Bridget Bolland
Draper, Utah
also, a place to contact is:
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
The sanctuary is located in Utah
Jen Morrison can be found @
[log in to unmask]
it is either one of those 2 listed just click on
I am posting her cell phone #  801-540-9182 (listed on webpage)
Pager# 801-498-7189 (also listed)
She and any other involved are being very cautious about callers
Also, you can call the Davis County Animal Control but it is recommended
to be very polite, remember that they have these animals in custody right
now...it is their welfare that we are concerned about, and we do not want
to jeopardize that, by being rude, nasty and down right ugly.  what we
want to do is indicate where we are from, that we have heard, and that we
are concerned, and is there something we can do?
Troy Lynn Eckert of Ferret Family Services Kansas
BY DAY EMAIL HER @ [log in to unmask]
Telephone: by evening @ 785-456-8337 (Ferret Family Services)
I know that one by heart Troy Lynn :-)
I will not rest, and will be very heartbroken if another one of these
ferrets suffers from this, if there is anyone out there that can possibly
be near this place and can check it out, that would be a BIG HELP, or
even if you know someone who lives nearby???
I don't know what else that i can do, but i know in my heart that i have
tried.  Please say a prayer for all these wonderful little fur creatures
that are awaiting a fate we would not want for our own.  We are all
responsible for these animals in some way.  Mankind has taken and
domesticated them for our own purposes, and now?  I love my ferrets, and
i love all of those wonderful little ones that you loving hoomans have
taken the time to share the joys and the sorrows with, for your those in
your own personal care.
These babies have only till Thursday evening, Friday is the dead? line.
Let us pull together as a ferret loving community and try to do something
for these guys and gals.
With this, i send this in memory of my beloved ferrets
Athena & Odysseus
always my little angels & ferret guides
till i see you again @ the rainbow bridge
with much love and heartache
your mommy
donna and the ferrety bunch
I hope this gets posted, i know it is late sending, but i had to keep
checking the sites to be sure that i was sending the correct information...
Thank you all
[Posted in FML issue 3536]