My Abby did something similar about a year ago.  My bf and I had let
her out for her play period and it was time for her to go back to her
"apartment" (her cage).  She ran like crazy and headed under our couch.
My bf started to call her and she shoved a dollar bill from under the
couch as a "bribe" or at least that's what we jokingly called it.
Another time she stole his wallet and pulled all the cards and cash out
and just took the wallet to her stash.  She loves to steal his wallet and
we have to watch her with this.  My other baby, Taz, could care less.
He's real lazy and loves to cuddle.  His other pass time is tormenting
Abby.  Really though, they're great friends.  But Abby is The Thief of
the pair.
Blessings All!
Angie :)
[Posted in FML issue 3535]