Hi everyone... I know its been a while since I have posted...I've been
lurking, I've been really busy...
Tonight we discovered one of our ferts had left us... he was just lying
there, like he was asleep (Im hoping that his appearance is some indication
of his passing... peaceful and all!)... just lying there... ya know, like
he did all the time, but this time it was different this time he wasnt
waking up... and all the crying and hoping in the world wouldnt bring him
back tonight... This is the first ferret that has passed from our home...
boy is this hard, or what??  I really loved him, he was (IS) part of our
family... I am devastated by this, he was (shhhhh... dont tell the others)
really kinda my favorite... he liked to sleep with me on the couch, he
followed my feet not cuz he wanted to nibble them but (I think) just cuz
they were MY feet... he loved cuddles and I was the ONLY one he ever
kissed... I know he loved me too.
He was ill when he came to me... so many things wrong in his little body...
and recently we discovered through trial, close monitoring and play time
that the meds were not helping him but rather deteriorating his quality of
life... we phased out the meds about 4 months ago and found that he became
a playful, hungry, thirsty boy with healthy poops and normal pee.  It was
great... I decided that I would rather him be happy for the remainder of
his life, however long that was... ( I should mention at this point that
had he been suffering, in any NOTICABLE pain or visibly deteriorating I
would have rethought my decision) he was playful, and seemed VERY happy
once the meds were stopped... I love him and just wanted him to enjoy his
life.  I just wanted him to enjoy being a ferret... and I really think he
did... right now that is the one comfort I find ... I am still crying, that
selfish cry that happens when we 'want' for things... what I "want" right
now is for my little chipper to come over to me and do that thing he does
when he wants me to pick him up and cuddle him... he sits on my feet... its
soooo cute... then when I pick him up he nuzzles my cheek then curls up on
my lap and just zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  I wish I had been able to hold
him and say goodbye, you know, be there for him.  I hope he knows how much
I love him.  just in case... Im gonna tell him again, and again, and
again... I dont know what I will do tomorrow when I wake up and go to say
good morning to the ferrets and remember (not that I could forget) that my
chip isnt there anymore.  I will go on... I will love the other ferrets
just as much and probably find a new cuddle bum in the bunch but for always
and forever I will LOVE my Chipper and remember life with him, especially
the past 4 months when he played with us.
I couldnt think of a better place to place my tears than the FML.  I guess
I just needed to share with a group of people that understand, REALLY
understand!  Thanks for listening!
Sandee... My Chipper loved squishy places to sleep, Ferretone, raisins and
Pepsi... the quantity of the treats was very limited here but Id really
appreciate it if you could hook him up with a bowl of Pepsi, a comfy bed
and some raisins ON ME!  Tell him we wont forget him and that we love him
still!!  And we always will!  And sandee... tell him we havent left him (he
was left sooooo many times in his life)... could you also tell him Mommy
and Daddy said "It's Okay!  and we love You Chip!"... thank you Sandee
from the bottom of my broken heart!
Dooks, Dance and ... somewhere over the rainbow birds do fly... etc...
-Betty Rebel... *great guardian of the treats!*
[Posted in FML issue 3534]