Everybody who gets the ASPCA magazine should be sure to read Kimberly S.'s
article on ferrets!  It is a sheer joy to see such a well-written,
practical article in a magazine put out by such a well-known organization.
I was particularly pleased to see them give ferrets status as "household
pets" instead of "exotic wild animals"--in fact, there was even an article
in the same issue advising people not to keep (real) wild animals as pets.
The photographs were charming, and the "Last Word" on the back inside page
is a super example of ferret advocacy.
(For those of you who don't know, Kim is the author of "Ferrets for
Dummies" and I was so pleased and surprised to see her published!)
Kate and the Big Boys, Monty and Madison
[Posted in FML issue 3534]