I have been asked to post to all FMLers that are willing to help our
endeavors.  One of the things that is really needed is ADV tests for the
ferrets coming from CJ 24 Carat to Oregon/Washington.  All of our shelters
have tested and cannot endure the expense of testing the ferrets.  It
will help tremendously in their placement if we know up front if they are
negative or positive.  I do want to stress that no ferret will be
euthanized if it tests positive, but will be placed in an ADV positive
shelter or foster home situation at our end.  Each ADV test runs $12.
Now here are a couple of ways you can help.  Linda Soule is acting as
our coordinator in NV.  Her mailing address is 977 Pleasantview Ct.,
Gardenville, NV 89410.  Her phone number is 775-265-6744.  Monetary
donations can be mailed to her to cover the costs of a test or two.  Or,
how about donation $1.00 for each ferret you own.  Money will be applied
to all expenses of tests and travel.
Another idea is to call Avecon at 1-800-249-5875 and order some test and
send them to Linda's ASAP.  Dr Stepons will let you know what payment
arrangements he can take.  One of the things that I love about the ferret
community is how we can all work together to take care of our own.  So,
let's give this an all-out dooken good effort together to get these fuzzies
out of Nevada!
Oregon Ferret Shelter/Pacific Ferret Shelter Network
[Posted in FML issue 3533]