Greetings all,
I hope all are well, furries and people included.
I have a few questions that im hoping someone may have answers for.
First off im owned by one carpet shark, one ankle shark and one tube
fanatic..adding up to 3 ferts :).  My two oldest, Sniper and Levelor, are
whom i'm concerned about.  Sniper has just recovered from surgery in mid
July to remove a foreign object from the stomach as well as his left
adrenal.  His recovery has gone superb-he has gained a full pound and then
some.  On the down side, he is losing fur on his tail and hind legs but im
also noticing reddish brown spots on his skin.  Could he be showing signs
of adrenal so soon after surgery for it (his right adrenal was normal at
time of surgery) ?  Or is this some kind of skin infection/virus/critter
thingy?  Other than the fur loss he is acting normal..chases his baby
brother and other normal fert stuf.  He is also eating and drinking well
and his stools are normal.  He does not care very much for his baby bro who
was recently adopted by me i n June, though things are getting better.
Sorry this is so long but I dont want to leave anything for my
last question, Snipers cagemate/"brother" is about 4-5 yrs of age and is
seemingly normal except that he sleeps all the time.  Once and awhile he
will get up and rough house with Yeti, the baby or Sniper but not for long
and its back to bed.  He has not lost any wieght, eats like a horse and his
stools are normal.  Is this just old age or is there an underlying problem
I am planning to take Sniper and Lev to the vets for a check up in the next
week or so but would appreciate any help or advice on my two oldsters.
Thanks and happy war dancing to all
Tasha-aka Hyperrat and the triumverant of terror
Sniper- I want a Yeti snack
Levelor- Where's the pool Ma?
and Yeti- the georgian tundra aquatic artic beast
[Posted in FML issue 3533]