Hi Debbie,
Well, it may not help, but from Chicago to Phoenix, I could make a small
dent.  I'm in SE Nebraska.  From here to Chicago is 9 hours, I could pick
them up there and bring them back to Lincoln, and someone else could take
the next leg of the journey, or if you could find someone to bring them
from Chicago to Lincoln, I could take them part or all of the rest of the
way to Phoenix.
My father is a pilot, and I may be able to convince him to pick them up
and fly them, if I bat my eyelashes and maybe cry a little, but that is
a long shot.  That is, assuming you and they wouldn't mind flying in a
small airplane.  Well, it isn't THAT small, 8 passenger, but still.  No
commercial jet, that is for sure.
Anyway, the whole trip is far too long for me, one leg is roughly 28 hours
round trip, and one is 18 hours round trip.  Add it all up, and there is
more time there than I have to spare, and that doesn't count caring for
the ferrets while on the road.  (Or myself for that matter.)  But if you
can find another person willing to help, let me know, and I can schedule
a long weekend or something.
Melissa Barnes
Mira, Tasha, Robin, Nietzsche and Samuri
[Posted in FML issue 3533]