I haven't posted for quite a while, but here is my dilemma:
My husband and I recently had a child, she is almost 4 months old.  Prior
to the child, our animals were our main focus, so they got lots and lots
and lots of attention.  I am staying at home with the child, and thought
I could continue to give the ferrets (in particular) lots of attention;
however, little Audrey saw to it that was not the case.  So, I feel they
don't get enough attention.  I am posting: how much attention is enough?
They are two young ferrets, littermates, a little over 2 years old, and one
oldster, he's 6 1/2 yrs w/medical issues.  Nowadays they get talked to and
handled and let out every day, it's just maybe an hour overall...it's so
much less than before, though before, they were the main focus for us.
They aren't showing any signs of lack of attention, except Ralph (one of
the younger ferrets) wants to be held a lot more than before; maybe that
is lack of attention, maybe it is him getting older?  We can't give the
younger ones away b/c the older one is so attached to them, and he has
medical issues (hepatitis & IBD), and I've had him for 5 years i don't
want to give him away anyway--or them either.
I have read the FML and posted for years and years....my ferrets used to be
the center of my attention, they got so much attention, I feel super bad
that it can't be that way anymore.  My husband plays with them too, that's
better than before when it was just me; I just feel bad i can't focus on
them like before.  I supposed i am asking for a pathetic, it's okay,
certainly not a bunch of "let them go if you can't handle it anymore"
responses.  I would like to hear from some people who have had a similar
experience; i.e., children have replaced the ferrets as primary
Minta, Audrey, and the three ferrets she refuses to acknowledge, Ralph,
Winnie, and Linus
[Posted in FML issue 3528]