I have only been owned by ferrets since last Dec.  My problem is I have a
problem saying no.  I have learned with a change in my schedule to say no.
Needless to say, I had someone come into the petstore where I work with 3
ferrets.  They were approx 1 years old.  There was a woman, not child, who
implied to me over and over how she wanted a ferret.  She so happened to
phone the store the evening they came in.  The previous owners were on
there way to the humane society but they were closed.  I told the owners I
would take them and if I decided to give them away they would go to a good
person.  The woman came in and got one of the ferrets.  I figured it would
be okay.  She also worked in the store.  I gave her a cage and extra
accessories and everything.  I tend to give extras that I have to people
who do not have.  I explained to her, if she ever decided she did not want
the ferret to please give it back to me.  2 weeks later I found out the
ferret went to a neighbor of hers.  The lucky thing is the children who
have the ferret have been very responsible.  I see the ferret on occasion.
To this day, I regret ever doing that.  The other 2 are with me.  I feel
I should have never split up that group.  They all are happy and healthy.
But, I should have never done that.  I feel responsible should anything
ever happen to the other one.  I will never give up a ferret that is in
my care.  Even though I never had taken that one home.  Granted they were
somewhat young.  I still feel guilty.
I have in my care along with going to school full-time and working a couple
of hours.  And yes, my babies get alot of one on one attention.  I only
come out of their room to eat with my husband and if something is really
pending.  I have a total count of 9 fuzzbutts, 2 parakeets, 2 guinea pigs
(my husbands babies) he plays with them, I clean behind them, and 3 mice.
My ferrets are all together, I do not separate in cages.  They all work
out their issues and reside together as a happy community.  I have been
fortunate about that since they are all ages and sizes.
With 2 ferrets they can at least keep each other company.  I am not
sure why you have them separated.  There has been only one ferret I was
concerned about when I got her.  She appeared to be very depressed and weak
when they handed her to me.  I found later her diet was wrong.  She was
kept in a very small cage without much room.  I did keep her in a cage for
2 days by herself so I could monitor her food consumption and activity
level.  She was only 1 years old.  She slept for those days.  Once I saw
her eating I knew the other was just to love her up.  Now I can't keep her
in my arms for 2 seconds.
All of this to say, there are always risk.  I have only heard of
experiences where ferrets go to so many homes they may feel unloved, fall
into depression and die.  Consider your decision wisely.  I am sorry this
is so long.  I wanted to share what I have experienced with doing something
of that nature.
NeeJa and the MOD's (Masters of Disaster)
[Posted in FML issue 3532]