First I want to thank everyone who has send e mails and cards on my fathers
passing, its still hard realizing that he is not there to talk to any more.
Second, I want to thank everyone who has offered to help take in some of
the shelter kids.  Its overwhelming at how many want to help.  Our biggest
problem seems to be tranportation.  I know we will get them moved but I'd
like to see them moved sooner than later to avoid any further problems.
I would thank everyone personally right now but I'm pressed for time as
usual.  I will do it when I get off working 2 weeks straight.
We placed 6 ferrets the last few days, 2 returning to their owner today,
so that makes a very small dent in the numbers.  If anyone wants to even
foster ferrets in the Las Vegas area, please let me know.
I figured out I'll be keeping at least 15 ferrets.  These ferrets have been
here forever and will not do good with any changes in their lives.  So now
it looks like i need to place around 58 ferrets.  I have gotten some calls
on adopting so I'm hoping by the time we do transport, there will not be so
many having to travel.
I called Donna who runs Angel Ferret Shelter here in L.V. last night. she
is willing to take in as many of the ferrets that need to go there, but I
thought this isn't a very good idea.  The fact is she will be taking in all
the owner surrenders, lost ferrets, etc that I would have normally taken
in.  along with her regular turn ins, she will soon be in an overcrouded
position also.  This will do no good for Vegas ferrets if neither she or I
can take in unwanted ferrets.  so she may take in a few, I want her to be
available for the ones that will needs homes in the future.  she has
already taken in 2 and I'm sending an owner her way this week with 2 more.
If I go get any California ferrets, she is willing to take them in also,
which still makes it possible for me to rescue them.
I'm sure there is more I have to say, but I'm tired and have to get ready
for work.  Thanks again for all of your help, once again the FML is pulling
together to help out a shelter in a crisis.
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
Las Vegas, Nv.
[Posted in FML issue 3532]