New to being owned by a ferret here in Denver.  I found a lovely 9 mo girl
at our local animal humane shelter, which has a fairly large business of
ferrets, by the way.  This group has been great for us, and so have the
website people mention.  I guess I have a basic question about quality
time.  We've been together a month now, and I work pretty much at home.
Bandit (i didnt pick the name) is up to about 2 hours out of her cage at a
time, and seems very happy and well adjusted.  She's box trained, and will
go back to her cage when it works for her (only 2 accidents so far).  But
recently, I'm not very sure if i'm entertaining her enough.  I can tell
when she's bored, cuz she goes back to nipping my feet when I try to sit
down and work, but i'm not sure what to do to further engage her (or
redirect her attention).... and no i dont wear white socks in the house
anymore.  I'm not sure how to respond to this.  I do try hissing and such,
but it doesnt do much.  I do walk her on her harness (she took to the
harness very quickly) about one every other day, but its in the 90's here.
Sometimes she's into splashing in the tub, other times she just lays down
in the water.  We avoid too much water though, cause well, u know what that
does.  Can anyone suggest some good quality time stuff to do with her when
she may just get 4 hours out some days?  I just cant tell how engaged she
is, save when she just gets flat.
Secondly, does anyone know a good vet in the Denver area?  I'm in the
southeast area, if it means anything to you.
Lastly, (and i know this is probibly common, u can private email me), any
ideas on how to get her to come to me when I call.  The treat alone doesnt
do it, but she has learned how to "stand up" for it when she's near.  And
finger nipping, she doesnt do it hard, and not often (aside from when I
probibly play too rough).  I don't let her down right away, and ive tried
just holding my finger in there even after she tries to stop.  But it
doesnt work.
Thanks so much everyone.  We newbies need you!
[Posted in FML issue 3530]