I'm sorry people, but I just have to put this message in.  I recently
wrote to tell you about someone who is trying to cause problems for me
regarding the raffle I had, also because of a second attempt to make a
complaint, she was going to cause other shelters problems , in /Florida
anyway, so I posted that info.  I recently have been able to identify a
person who is either this person or behind this person in causing these
problems.  she is still a member of the FML, last year some information
came out about her lying about being a 501-C-3 shelter.  Since that time,
she does not post unless it is anonymously.  She knows who she is and so
does the other one.  I am sick and tired of the BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They need
to get on with their lives, take care of their ferrets and find something
a little more productive to do, and they need to do that SOON!!!!!!  If
these people do not leave me alone, I will make public some very personal
things that she doesn't want anyone to know.  I am not one who fights
unless I have been pushed too far and that's the case right now.  I never
make bad statements about anyone, except a couple of times and God knows
that I was telling the truth.  I don't know how many people have been
notified by these two people regarding me, but if you have, please email
me.  They are telling lies and I don't stand for that S--t!  And for
everyone's information, I am a registered Non-Profit Corporation and I am
registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture, Division of
Consumer Services, my 501 papers will be filed in the next few months, I
am non-profit, I mind my own business usually, I am a Christian, I care
for these animals and give up a lot for them.  I try to NEVER just come
out and ask for donations, I sell on ebay to raise money.  I like to give
something for your money.  This person seemed to think that sending many
of my ebay pages to the state would do something, (duh), the state could
have looked at my pages themselves.
Anyway, I'm sorry, I am very mad right now, and I am fed up and ready to
go $#@%$?#%*.  I know who you are out there!!!Leave me alone!!!!  And also
to the last person who posted here on the FML for people to notify her
regarding my shelter, she needs to ZIP IT UP also, she's lucky I didn't
take her to court, I will the next time.  I don't care who she is or who
she knows!
Okeechobee Ferret Rescue
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[Posted in FML issue 3556]