'ello, 'ello 'ello!  I've got a fan!  Yes, me ::fake blushing:: Da Wolfy.
Someone bought me, little ole meee ... ferret afhgan raffle tickets.
::Doin da wolfy dance:: Ha!  I got four of 'em!  So unless you want MEEEEE
to win, you better get some... errr one, yes one (so I won't loose) ticket
LOLOl... and..
::Angry smoke rolls in, and poof!::
"WOLFY!  You evil, evil thing you!  First you brag someone gave you such
a wonderful surprise, then you try to strong arm people into getting
"Not exactly... ::shufflin' feet::... just "a" ticket."
"OH Wolfy!  You're beyond help you know that?!  You're just awful.  The
least you could do is give them the site where they can get the
information on the raffle so they can see and choose for themselves."
"But then they might buy more than one ticket!"
::A great robed arm raises up with her staff and...::
"AGHT!  I know what you are going to do!  You're going to bop me on the
head with that stick!  Don't you dare do it.  Don't you..."
BOOF!!  ::Wolfy disappears and in her place is magic dust forming the
::The great robed one turns and faces you and says::
"Now you ALL owe me one!  Got get a ticket for a buck!  It will be fun...
I promise... or I can....."
::She raises her staff.... and you run away!::
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[Posted in FML issue 3555]