It's been an interesting and hard nine days for these kids but I'm sure
happy I can say the majority are feeling much better.  The coccidia is
clearing up, the upper respiratory infections are still spreading to the
younger/healthier ones but it will have to run it's course.  A few have
stuffed noses, watery eyes and act like they have sore throats yet the
younger ones seem to be getting over it more quickly.
As more and more of the kids get out to play in larger groups, it's so
heartwarming to see them bounce, dance, dook and go crazy. :)  They're
like kids let out of school at recess!  It's wonderful watching the
personalities come out in each one and even though I'd expected behavioral
problems there's only two nippers in the group.  Not biters but nippers.
I'm really impressed with how sweet they ALL are.
There's Houdini or Trouble, not sure yet which his name will be.  He's
escaped his cage twice.  Found him dancing down the hall the first time
then he woke me up at 6am yesterday, despite having his cage secured, I
thought.  Found him on a turned over and empty (thank goodness) trash can,
standing on top of it as if to say "I didn't do it"!  He's constantly
looking up to see what he's missing and figuring how to get to it, which
he does!
Tank is a huge guy that seems to know his size.  He just bulldozes
everyone around and is so gentle with the little girls.  Tank is adrenal
and if he tests negative when we run the adv tests, he has a home that
will take him and get his adrenal surgery.  Fantastic!
Then there's Sammie, a beautiful little DEW with a black nose who has a
home regardless as she can be isolated but still have all the attention.
She'll have a buddy go with her once we decide who she likes best.  In
fact, she may have 3 buddies going with her.  Sammie has a slight heart
murmur but that didn't stop her new mom and dad. :)
Spaz is a very small DEW male.  At least he should be but he gets more
yellow each day which is probably adrenal also.  Spaz truly fits his
personality!  He's everywhere, trying to play with everyone at the same
time.  May have to change his name to O.J.  for the orange color!
There's Shelley.  Shelley was the sickest on arrival, just like a limp
dish rag for a couple of days and I didn't think she'd make it.  She's a
beautiful girl with the sweetest disposition, long very silky coat.
You'd never know she was the same ferret!
Jack is an old guy, probably around 7.  He's not that well, a half of a
whole ferret (one testicle), a little smelly but not bad.  He shows a bit
more interest in life but is still pretty lethargic.  He's happiest when
he's being cuddled so he comes out first in the morning, takes his stroll
around then lies in my lap while I have a cup of coffee to wake up. :)
Wish I could give him more time but soon I'll be able to.
These guys are absolutely wonderful ferrets, most are kissers and just
love attention, there's many very big boys and a couple of females that
I'd have sworn were males due to their size. :)  There's quite a few tiny,
delicate females that are characters.  Too many look too much alike so
it's fun still trying to figure out who's who and being careful they go
back in the right cage.  It's getting easier to identify them.  :)
Things are definitely improving for these kids.  Lots of supplies have
been coming in and I don't have time to thank each of you individually
right now but will soon.  A couple of packages included candles, saying
they knew the smell of coccidia :) and one had wonderful tea bags and a
pack of gum.  LOL
We do still need ADV Quick Test Kits.  I have 17, need a total of 38,
tested 4 of the Utah kids randomly this week, all negative, but need to
test each one in about a week.  Some medical supplies may still be needed
plus odds and ends I have to pick up locally.  Litter!  Trying to find
someone that will send wood stove chips to FL....
If anyone in the area, Jacksonville, FL, has cages, I'd like to get the
kids out of the smaller cages that were only meant for temporary housing.
I expect in a few days I can give you an update that everyone is over all
the bad things and each kid is playing as a ferret should!
Hugs to all and many, many thanks for the supplies/donations!!  Special
thanks to Amy, Gen and Shelley for all their hours of hard work spent
cleaning litter pans and helping with whatever had been needed.
Jackie and All My Children
[Posted in FML issue 3554]