This note can be cross-posted to where ever it is needed.
When I spoke with Jen Morrison on the Monday morning after the ferrets
were confiscated, she told me that they had bloody diarrhea.  I asked
about treatment.  She said no because she couldn't get in except during
the day.  I was dismayed at her response because treatment daily would
have been Pepto 3 times in an 8 hour period (0hour, 4hour, 8hour) and
once or twice daily of antibotic, would have been beneficial and may have
saved lives in addition to making transport easier on this group.
Coccidia has been reported in many of them and I'm not surprised.
Coccidia can be activated when these little ones are stressed and this
group was severely stressed.  Upper respiratory infection has also been
reported.  The Utah fuzzies are responding well to medications, lots of
tlc, and are eating and drinking up a storm.
Because of their poor health conditions to begin with, the vet bills are
mounting.  The caretakers are spending countless waking hours nursing and
loving them so they are doing the HARDEST work of all.  Surgeries for
adrenal and tail/head tumors are needed for some.
WE can do our part by donating to SOS or directly to their vets to help
with the medical expenses.  You can designate on your donation to SOS
where you want it to go and what for.  If you want to send supplies,
please email the ladies and ask if they need what you have to offer.  If
not another might.
Please reach deep into your heart and pockets and if you can spare a few
dollars to help these precious babies, send a donation.  If each of us
donated just $5!!!!!
Also, because of the QUESTIONABlE ADV exposure (yet uncomfirmed) of the
group that went to Florida, some of the homes for that group have decided
they didn't want to chance it so they've declined.  We will be very honest
in answering your concerns if you are interested in opening your heart and
home to these little ones.  The florida group will be ADV tested in a week
or so, which is what was instructed after a QUESTIONABLE exposure.
ALL UTAH ferrets that have been ADV tested have been negative.
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3554]