Boy did I have a hell of a scare the other night.  I just thought this
post might make someone think...unlike myself who obviously didn't.  I let
my boys, all four, out every evening for an hour or more while I work on
homework.  Because the boys like to play around my feet, I have to go and
sit on my bed.  Otherwise I can't concentrate because of the urge to play
is SOOOO strong.  Well this night I did something really stupid.
Anubis is the ferret that was found abandoned and I decided to keep him.
He's a big healthy boy now and give my min pin a run for his money, along
with Sadie.  Normally I just let them have at it and I don't really pay
attention.  This night was no different.  Fifeteen minutes into the game
of "chase the dog", I noticed that Sadie wasn't playing with Zeus.  I
started looking around and five minutes passed with no dark fuzzie running
to attack Zeus's feet.  So I got up and started counting.  Ramses, Wynter
and Abubis all there.  No Sadie.  In that split second I swear my heart
was going to stop.  I had left my window open.  Sadie had gotten out.
Grabbing my three remaining ferrets, I shoved them back in their cage.
Grabbing my shoes and a flash light I ran to my apartment door, praying
that God would forgive me for being such an idiot.  Opening the door I
just happened to look across the hall at my neighbors door and there sat
Sadie, looking at me as if saying, "Hey Mom!  Wanna go for a walk?"
At first I wanted to run to him but realizing that this is my fast furkid
with an annoying habit of seek and find running through his blood, I
slowely walked over to him and snatched him up.  I didn't have him in my
hands for a second before I was crying and crushing a very happy little
guy to my chest.
The moral of this story, remember to shut your windows....don't forget.
I certainly wont.
Cherie, Ramses, Sadie and Wynter...introducing Anubis!!
[Posted in FML issue 3554]