Good Morning Everyone,
I faithfully read this list everyday.  In fact I can't wait to read the
wonderful and sometimes sad stories.  Not a day goes by that I do not have
tears in my eyes for the stories I read.  The one today about Fat Boy
Slim brought major tears to my eyes.  This year our big ol female kitty
Cinnamon went to "Rainbow Bridge" which saddened me greatly.  Since then
we have lost family members, friends and fish but we know in our hearts
that they are in the most glorious of places waiting for the day that they
will meet us again.  The people that are here that save these beautiful
animals are to be commended.
My dad passed away a little over a week ago and last Friday night we
bought 2 baby boys from a pet store we have come to love as they are also
an adoption center.  I didn't know why at the time why we were getting
these little guys as I had not read up on them which I like to do first
like I did on the guinea pigs we went to get in the first place.  I heard
the voice of my father say "You will know soon why".  At first I just
held them and they were all snuggly so off we went and close to $900 later
with all the fixins in hand the usual cage, cage things, toys, snuggies,
etc(yes they are spoiled) off we went.  First mom came with us and fell
instantly in love.  I thought we would have to send them home with her.
First day I thought oh my gosh what have I gotten myself in to.  My
husband shares the responsibilities.  With 11 cats and six fish we were
taking on alot.  I am not a giver uper and would never give a baby up so
we took on the challenge.  The first thing these kids taught us was how to
be kids again.  We have a huge yard so Sunday we all went into the yard
with the 2 fuzzbutts on leashes.  They begged for us to get on the ground
with them and play.  How sweet.  Now each night we go out for at least an
hour and run and play in the yard.  Last night they were so pooped that
when we went to bed they were still sleeping.  They are teaching me now
how to balance my time with play, working 40hours a week plus keeping a
house going.  I am pooped at night but I sleep great and have ferret
fuzzie dreams at night.
Michael's new name is Taz for the Tazmanian Devil.  He is too funny the
way he runs and jumps.  He loves to play and is a play nipper but this AM
he was all kisses and love.  They are adjusting well and after less than
a week they have taught me more than anyone else could have ever shown me
in all the 43 years alive.  We have never been lucky enough to have human
children but the love and joy that our furry friends have brought into our
lives are more than I can describe.
I read here about people getting private mailings of harrassment.  Why???
why do people do this???  With all that is going on in the world and
people trying to help these furry fuzzbutts why do people have to be so
nit pickey?  Let's come together as one in love and peace and help one
another.  Please don't do this to one another.  Let us be in harmony and
share the love of these little guys.  Ok I am off my soapbox.
Thanks again for all your wonderful posts
Love & ferret kitty kisses and hugs
[Posted in FML issue 3554]