>...went to the vet at 6 AM this morning because one of my cats was having
>respiratory distress. She was diagnosed with an upper respiratory disease
>(i.e. a cold)...
>Is it OK for me to handle the ferrets?... Should I leave them alone for a
>few days?  And can they catch my cold or the cats cold?
HI Gail and FML readers,
I don't want to argue with your vet HOWEVER - we do take in SPCA transfers
at our shelter and I can tell you a pair of ferrets arrived from an SPCA
which had URI running through the feline population.  They figured ferrets
would not catch it-- and of course ferrets co habitate the feline area.It
took about a week to realize at least one of the two was in trouble.
An occassional sneeze progressed to a LOT of sneezing and loss of weight
and after xrays to rule out heart, blood work to rule out canine
distemper, etc it was an Upper respiratory infection.  So ferrets CAN and
DO get the feline URI's though not always.Hope this helps it took 5 days
before we saw any improvement on this particular case on a 10 day baytril
treatment!  I would suggest separate quarters and washing hands thorughly
before caring for the ferrets- if you have a cold or flu symptoms wear a
disposable mask when around the ferrets - if you handle the cats then
change your clothing before handling the ferrets -- it could not hurt!
Alicia at Ferret Wise shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3553]