Carmen writes:
>Can anyone tell me how often AD is found at ferrets?  Is the illness the
>same as it is with minks?
For a quick, easy to read and accurate explanation of AD in ferrets go to:
There are links..  links to doctors notes from Dr Williams, etc on their
for more information.  There are links to european studies of this, and
explantions for the mink also.  Some of the most dead on accurate
information in proffessional text can be found on White Russians site
that belongs to Judy Gronwald.  It's truly the best info I've ever found
to date.  You can get to his page and from links on my site.
When you get to white russians page (faces of adv pages), you can find the
pages of Dr Stephenson and Dr Stephens.  For the tech info.....those are
the ones you want.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3553]