Dooks to All!
Don't know if this is cool to mention BIG, but I just saw that The Ferret
Store is now part of the "" network of stores.  For those who
don't know, is a FREE way of helping your fav charity without
it costing you anything Xtra.  It's free to join, and has a just HUGE list
of online stores to shop.  And you get to pick out the organization you
want to help!!!!!  With Holidays just around the corner (Hint Hint) and
the government going after the "NGO's" (non-government organizations and
charities), what an absolutely FABULOUS way to help those in need!
There are 4 pages of Ferret Shelters/Rescues!  Several of the people who
post here are on iGive's list!!!!  If you do ANY online shopping at all,
please check out "The Mall" thru their website, and see if the store where
you shop is listed.  It doesn't cost you a penny more, and you can help
feed or medicate a fuzzy less fortunate than your own.
On a different note:
I would like to again make my home available to any "military brat"
ferret that may be in need of a place to stay while Dad, or Mom, or both,
have to be away.  I am close to Fort Knox, and can drive to Indianapolis,
Cincinnati, Lexington, Nashville (or Fort Campbell), or
Evansville/Owensboro to pick up, if need be.
The FuzzButt Hutt
[Posted in FML issue 3551]