I am WAAAAAAY behind in my FML's, as our DSL at work (whree I usually read
it, ssshhh!) has been down off and off for since the 11th.
Anyway, I saw two topics that interested me and wanted to comment.
Ferret smells - I've never really noticed any particular food smell (corn
chips or grape jelly or anything like that) on any of my ferrets.  But
they all do have a very distinct smell.  If someone held one of my ferrets
in front of my blind-folded face, I could instantly name the culprit.
Now there was one very special ferret with a special smell that I will
always remember.  It was the smell of my sweetheart Gizmo, who died in
December '99.  Whenever he woke up from a nap, he had the most amazing
smell to him, I just can't describe it.  But I would pull him out of the
cage and bury my face in his fur and breath it in.  I call it "sleepy
Gizmo" smell.  Nothing else comes close.
Now, as for singing - I have found that when I have to take the ferts to
the vet, it really helps calm them down if I start singing.  Doesn't
matter what it is, radio, CD, or something I make up.  But they all relax
and push their faces to the side of the carry crate to see me and listen
very intently.  If my voice weren't worse than that of a male elk in rut,
I would continue to sing in the vet's office, too.
Aileen & the Herd
The Ferrets: Slinky, Kyle, Noel, & Toby
The Dogs: Rootie the beagle & Tank the GSD/basset
Still missing Sandy & Gizmo. We love you.
Check out the Herd's website at: http://www.geocities.com/anippy
[Posted in FML issue 3551]