I haven't written in so long on the FML because I didn't have a computer.
Now I do so I wanted to give everyone a little info on what's been going
Starting with Anubis.  Anubis was found in a park near where I live.
He was half starved, flea infected and had ear mites like you wouldn't
believe.  He was brought to me because the finder of the poor little guy
couldn't keep him.  I, being the glutton for punishment I am, decided to
keep him.  He has a limp from a dog bite my vet thinks, a cut on his eye
ball from God knows what and he was 1.5 lbs.  Good news is that he's healed
from all the flea bites, no more rash and the cut on his eye ball seems to
be better.  He's also now a wopping three pounds!  He looks wonderful and
he's been a perfect fit into my little kingdom.  The other three, Wynter
more then the others, has really taken a shine to him.  They bathe him,
include him in their bad dashed for the ultimate sock exrtaveganza.  I
already love him to death.  Candy, the lady who runs the shelter in this
area has helped a lot so if you are reading this Candy and Rick thanks for
all your help and advise!
Now for the other three.  Ramses my oldest still happily antiganises
anything that moves, Sadie my sweet boy tackles the dog.  Wynter we found
out is deaf as a door nail and that's helped figure out why he's so
aggresive.  I am more careful when I go to pick him up, making sure he can
see me so I don't startle him into biting.  All in all my carpet sharks are
doing very well and I am a releaved parent.
I hope this finds all well and those who aren't...you have my prayers.
It's good to be back!!!
Cherie, Ramses, Sadie, Wynter, Anubis and of course the adopted Min
Pin...Zeus the Moose!
[Posted in FML issue 3529]